CCAP’s VIRTUAL WELLNESS MINDFUL MONDAYS….A relaxing way to start an active week
Mindful Monday is a weekly zoom drop-in meditation group open to all teens 13 to 18 years old. Brief meditations are facilitated by CCAP’s Community Response Program team members.Come learn the benefits of meditation in your life! CCAP’s VIRTUAL WELLNESS
MINDFUL MONDAYS….A relaxing way to start an active week
Where: Zoom
Who: Teens age 13-18
Day: MondaysTime: 4pm – 5pm
Start: October 5, 2020
For more information contact Jennifer Pelkey, jpelkey@comcap.org or 401-318-2555.
Learn MoreCCAP Announces the Launch of our NEW On-Line Benefits Application Platform
As part of our continuous effort to provide you with the best possible service, Comprehensive Community Action Program (CCAP) is pleased to announce the launch of our NEW CCAP On-Line Application Platform – apply.ComCap.org
With a goal of expanding access to CCAP Social Services Programs, CCAP apply.ComCap.org application portal will improve clients access to up to date housing and utility assistance program information, allow clients to upload documents and electronically sign applications and making it easy access to benefits.
CCAP is one of Rhode Island’s largest organizations dedicated solely to fighting the war on poverty. Our team of professional provides our clients with a wide spectrum of services and benefits that are designed to help those in immediate need and empower anyone desiring to become more self-sufficient– from health/dental/behavior services, education/job training, family development to housing/food and emergency services, CCAP is here to “Lend a Helping Hand.” For a full list of CCAP programs and services you can go to www.ComCap.org.
If you have any questions, about our new portal please drop us a line at info@ComCap.org or call 401-467-7013.

Substance Abuse Program for Teens and Young Adults that WORKS
CCAP Seven Challenges® is a holistic counseling program for young people in Coventry and Cranston focused on mindfulness surrounding substance use problems. Benefits of The Seven Challenges® include:
• Help youth make informed decisions about substance use;
• Motivate youth to evaluate their lives and consider changes they would like to make and then success in implementing those changes;
• Support youth in taking power in their own life.
CCAP’s Seven Challenges program is designed for youth and young adults who are currently or recently used tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.
If CCAP’s Seven Challenges program is right for someone you know, contact: Susan Kennedy, CCAP Seven Challenges Clinical Case Manager (401) 450-9879, skennedy@comcap.org

In the wake of the nationwide civil unrest caused by the death of George Floyd, we want to share an important message denouncing all racism, injustice, and violence.
Racism, injustice and violence have no place in our society and cannot be tolerated. Yet we continue to be unable to make enough progress in this country — so at this moment it is critical to step back, face the hard subjects and try to reflect.
At CCAP, we aspire to build better lives for all of us. We strive to have a diverse employee population and recognize that only by interacting with, and listening to people of all races, backgrounds, ethnicities, sexual orientations and abilities we can hope to truly understand and appreciate one another.
Honest dialogue is critical, as is fighting injustice wherever it exists. We are committed to being a champion for equality as we continue this journey together. Please – Stay safe.
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CCAP’s Cranston Child Development Center’s Head Start Program is kicking off its annual recruitment drive for the 2020-2021 school year!
For over 50 years, Comprehensive Community Action Program has provided safe, nurturing and reliable early education services through the Head Start and Early Head Start programs.
Head Start / Early Head Start provides a FREE comprehensive developmentally appropriate early education experience for children ages birth to five, including services for pregnant women. Participants must meet program requirements.
Breakfast, lunch and snack is provided.
We offer extended day services for families who are working or in school. The hours available are 7:00am – 5:30pm. DHS funding accepted.
We actively recruit children with special needs and homeless families.
We also have State Funded Pre-K Classrooms. To be eligible children must turn 4 by Sept. 1st. The state funded Pre-K selection process is by Lottery. You may sign up for an email notification for the 2020-2021 school year at website: State Funded Pre-K Classrooms – Click Here.
We welcome all referrals. If you have any questions, or would like any additional information please feel free to contact Bernadette Groves at 427-4066 or bgroves@comcap.org. or our main number 943-5160.
CCAP does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap (disability), veteran status, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, medical condition, sexual orientation, limited English proficiency (LEP) or any other status protected by Federal and state law.
**All CCAP Child Development Centers are licensed by the Department of Children, Youth and Families and participate in the Rhode Island Quality Rating and Improvement System, Bright Stars.

CCAP Family Health Services in Cranston opens to the general public, an appointment only drive-thru COVID-19 Testing Clinic
CCAP Family Health Services will open to the general public an appointment-only COVID-19 drive-thru testing site in the parking lot at their 1090 Cranston Street, Health Center starting Monday, May 4, 2020.
“We know that there is a great demand for COVID-19 testing and we have been testing our patients as needed at our health center; however, we realize that people who are not our patients need access to testing, so we are opening our Family Health Center, Cranston Street parking lot to serve as a drive-thru location for the community” Joanne McGunagle, CCAP, President & CEO said.
Testing for people with symptoms will be by appointment only – in an outdoor drive through facility located at:
CCAP Family Health Services
1090 Cranston Street (Back Parking Lot)
Cranston, RI 02920
Call for an appointment – 401-943-1981
Enter through Cranston Senior Center and follow signs. Please keep your car windows up.
CCAP Testing for people with symptoms of the COVID-19 virus is limited and results are NOT immediate. Symptoms include: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of taste or smell. If you think you or someone in your family has COVID-19, CALL CCAP Family Services at (401) 943-1981. All are welcome to call, regardless of insurance or immigration status.
“CCAP serves the individuals in our communities who have great need,” McGunagle said. “We focused on our Cranston Street location because it is in a Health Equity Zone and we want to ensure the individuals with a need have access to care.”
Cranston Mayor Fung stated” The City of Cranston wants to thank CCAP and its dedicated staff for its willingness to partner with the City and National Guard in expanding the level of testing. This increased accessibility will provide a critical healthcare service to those communities most in need.”
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A HUGE THANK YOU to Robert Kraft, The Kraft Family Foundation, The New England Patriots and New England Revolutions!!
CCAP wishes to thank Robert Kraft, The Kraft Family Foundation, The New England Patriots and New England Revolutions for their generosity!! Today CCAP’s Food Bank received 7 pallets of much needed fruit, vegetables, and packaged goods from Gillette Stadium!
Thank you to everyone who has come out and supported CCAP COVID-19 Emergency Food Drive, we are a seeing an unprecedented number of our neighbors turning to CCAP’s Food Bank during this crisis and your generosity and kindness is helping so many in our community.

As need rises, CCAP seeks food donations to stock shelves
The Comprehensive Community Action Program, or CCAP, is asking the community to help stock its shelves with food and other goods as need rises due to the COVID-19 crisis.
“No one should go hungry during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Lee Beliveau, CCAP’s vice president of development and corporate affairs, wrote in a message to the community. “With school closures, job disruptions, and health risks, we are a seeing an unprecedented number of our neighbors turning to CCAP’s Food Bank for much-needed support.”
CCAP is seeking paper goods, cleaning products and a range of nonperishable food items.
Specifically sought are peanut butter, whole wheat pasta, tuna, brown rice, canned and dried beans, boxed macaroni and cheese, canned soups and stews, granola bars, canned fruits and vegetables, tomato sauce, breakfast cereals and extra virgin olive oil.
Donations may be made at CCAP’s location at 311 Doric Ave. in Cranston on any weekday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., excluding holidays.
For more information, call (401) 467-7013 or visit comcap.org.

Help Support CCAP’s COVID-19 Response Efforts.
- Support CCAP’s efforts to create CCAP Family Health Services as a coronavirus (COVID-19) testing site location.
- Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) and other equipment to meet the needs of our front-line medical professionals
- Assist us with in establishing remote telehealth. (equipment and licenses)
- Support patient and family care
- Provide social services
- Build resilience and alleviate stress on front-line health care providers through emergency assistance with meals, snacks, and well-being
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CCAP Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Thursday, March 19, 2020
Because the safety of our community and staff are our priority, Comprehensive Community Action remains open to serve the needs of our community. We continue to follow the guidance of the CDC and the RI Department of Health. As information is updated, we will adjust our workflow and access as appropriate.
- Staff who are able will be working from home when feasible. Our goal is to have as little disruption to client services as possible while providing the utmost safety measures.
- We are conducting health screenings based on the most up-to-date public health recommendations at all our health centers and at our Administrative Offices, 311 Doric Avenue. No one may enter these buildings before screened.
- Our Health Centers remain open for the community. We are limiting some non-urgent visits due to concerns for employee and patient safety. If you’re sick, call us before coming in. Do not come to CCAP Health Center if you have any flu-like symptoms, such as cough, fever, sore throat, or shortness of breath – Call us.
- CCAP Family Dental Services has cancelled all nonemergency procedures and services until further notice. If you have a dental emergency call 401-942-4867. We are open for emergencies only.
- Behavioral Services are open. We are working toward providing services by remote telehealth if deemed appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
- Child Development Centers and Day Care are closed until Friday, April 3, 2020, per request of the Governor.
- Learn to Earn Youth Education and Job Training Youth Centers are closed, however, on Monday, March 23, 2020, we will be offering distance learning and distance programing. Please contact your local CCAP youth center for more information – freegedri.org
- Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Services are currently not conducting in person appointments. WIC nutritionists will be available via phone to answer your nutrition or infant and child feeding questions. CHECKS WILL BE MAILED- YOU MUST CALL US TO CONFIRM YOU ADDRESS to receive your check. Please call 401-946-4650 to update your telephone number and address. Please call if you do not receive checks within 5-7 days. Re-Certification appointments (appointments that require a height and weight by a WIC nutritionist) will be temporarily conducted over the phone. Testing for iron levels will be delayed and we will ask for payees (parents and guardians) to measure the child’s height and weight at home and give the nutritionist that information over the phone.
- Social Services is open, but has suspended walk-in services. Staff is available by phone to provide assistance to clients with: The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), emergency services and guidance on the VITA tax preparation service alternative filing methods. To contact Social Services, please call 401-467-7013 during regular working hours or email at info@comcap.org.
- Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and Appliance Management Program (AMP) home visits have been temporarily suspended.
- Food Bank has suspended walk-in service, clients can call and arrange to pick-up their regular monthly pre-made food bags. Please call the Food Bank at 401-467-7013 to make an appointment.
- The Rhode Island Donation Exchange has temporality closed its showroom, but is still accepting donations – please email them at: info@donationexchange.org to make arrangements.
In the event that we would have to modify or cancel our services, we will issue notifications on our website (comcap.org), and via email and our social media, including Facebook and on Twitter (@CCAPORG). If you have any questions about the Coronavirus, please visit the Center for Disease Control website: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus
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