Notice from CCAP Food Bank
Out of an abundance of caution we are limiting access to all of our facilities. We are discontinuing walk-in service in our food bank at this time, however clients will be able to pick-up their regular monthly pre-made food bags at the Food Bank window. Visitors who are ill are asked to stay home and call our offices for information and service. If someone comes to our facilities with symptoms, they will be asked to leave and to call us.
We will reopen our walk-in service once this public health crisis has passed.
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Dear CCAP Community,
Because the safety of our community and staff are our priority, Comprehensive Community Action remains open to serve the needs of our community. We continue to follow the guidance of the CDC and the RI Department of Health. As information is updated, we will adjust our workflow and access as appropriate.
We are assessing our operations to ensure the safety of our staff, patients, clients and volunteers. Out of an abundance of caution we are limiting access to all of our facilities. Visitors who are ill are asked to stay home and call our offices for information and service. If someone comes to our facilities with symptoms, they will be asked to leave and to call us.
We will no longer hold meetings with over 20 people in attendance. Preference will be to hold all meetings electronically. Staff will no longer participate in meetings with over 20 people expected to attend.
If you receive service from CCAP in our Home visitation programs, you will be contacted by your case worker to ensure you are healthy and asymptomatic.
Our Health Centers remain open to care for our patients. However, all symptomatic patients asked to call first and not to come in.
In the event that we would have to modify or cancel our services, we will issue notifications on our website (comcap.org), and via email and our social media, including Facebook and on Twitter (@CCAPORG)
We all need to work together to keep each other safe and healthy. If you have any questions about the Coronavirus, please visit the Center for Disease Control website: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus
Joanne McGunagle, President and CEO of CCAP
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A new coronavirus called 2019 Novel (new) Coronavirus was first found in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. This virus had not been found in humans before. This coronavirus can lead to fever, cough and trouble breathing or shortness of breath. There are cases all over the world including cases in the United States with cases in Rhode Island. CCAP is closely monitoring the situation and receiving regular updates from the CDC and RI Department of Health. Our goal is to keep everyone safe!
What do we know?
Since this virus is very new, health authorities continue to carefully watch how this virus spreads. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is working hard to learn as much as possible about this new virus, so that we can better understand how it spreads and causes illness. The CDC considers this virus to be a serious public health concern. Based on current information the CDC recommends avoiding travel to certain countries with widespread disease.
How Does 2019 Novel (New) Coronavirus Spread?
Health experts believe the virus probably spreads from animals to humans and from person to person. It’s not clear yet how easily the virus spreads from person-to-person but we know that it can spread through respiratory droplets.
If you are sick with respiratory symptoms: COUGH, FEVER, SHORTNESS OF BREATH or if you are concerned about possibly having coronavirus – We are here to help!
Please call the office FIRST
CCAP Family Health Services Health Centers:
Family Health Services of Cranston – 401.943.1981, Family Health Services of Coventry – 401.828.5335, Everett C. Wilcox Health Center, Warwick – 401.732.9090, Primary Care Partners Health Center, Warwick 401.384.6007
There are currently no vaccines available to protect against this virus. We recommend the following ways to minimize the spread of all respiratory viruses, including coronavirus:
- Wash your hands often
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs spread this way
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Stay home when you are sick
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow
- Keep surfaces clean
We encourage you to keep up to date about Coronavirus, its treatment and prevention by reviewing information at www.cdc.org or www.health.ri.gov.
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The 2020 Census is coming. Will you be counted?
The U.S. Constitution requires that the Census Bureau count every person living in the United States once every 10 years. The information collected during the census provides vital data for community planning, ensuring fair political representation and enforcing civil rights, and assigning billions of dollars in federal funding for critical public services such as food stamps, public safety, housing support, and education programs.
We have one chance to make sure that everyone in Rhode Island is represented in Census 2020. Let’s make it count.
Each household will receive a notice by starting on March 12th. Filling out the census only takes a few minutes and can be completed for the first time online, as well as by phone and mail.
Federal law prohibits the Census Bureau for sharing your personal information with anyone, including other government agencies such as ICE, for any reason.
Rhode Island receives $3.8 billion in federal funding each year based on the results of the census. These funds support dozens of social services and programs in our communities such as:
- Medicaid
- Head Start
- Public transportation
- School lunch program
- Section 8 housing
- Medicare Part B
- Federal Direct student loans
For more information please visit RICensus2020.com
Give our community a voice. BE COUNTED.
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It’s Tax Time at CCAP
CCAP’s VITA Preparation Assistance Program is a free Tax Assistance service for low-income workers.
CCAP serves as a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site from January 27th through April 15th. We provide FREE tax preparation for individuals and families earning less than $60,000.
Last year, CCAP’s VITA program filed over 1000 federal tax returns, helping Rhode Island families receive $2 million in refunds without any cost. Our volunteers are trained and certified by the IRS and will help you file your federal and state income taxes. IRS e-file is the most accurate, safest, and fastest way to file your tax return. You can get your refund in as little as 10 days.
CCAP’s tax preparation services are offered at our Cranston location: 311 Doric Avenue, Cranston, RI (lower level). Call us today for an appointment, 401-467-7013.
What to Bring to prepare your taxes…
- Proof of identification (photo ID)
- Social Security cards for you, your spouse and dependents
- An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) assignment letter may be substituted for you, your spouse and your dependents if you do not have a Social Security number
- Proof of foreign status, if applying for an ITINBirth dates for you, your spouse and dependents on the tax return
- Wage and earning statements (Form W-2, W-2G, 1099-R,1099-Misc) from all employers
- Interest and dividend statements from banks (Forms 1099)
- Health Insurance Exemption Certificate, if received
- A copy of last year’s federal and state returns, if available
- Proof of bank account routing and account numbers for direct deposit such as a blank check
- To file taxes electronically on a married-filing-joint tax return, both spouses must be present to sign the required forms
- Total paid for daycare provider and the daycare provider’s tax identifying number such as their Social Security number or business Employer Identification Number
- Forms 1095-A, B or C, Affordable Health Care Statements
- Copies of income transcripts from IRS and state, if applicable
Call us today for an appointment, 401-467-7013.
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CCAP Announces its Learn to Earn Paid Career Exploration Program – Teacher Assistant Certification Training Program
Are you 18 – 24 years old, have a clean BCI and a High School diploma or GED? Call today to sign up for our FREE Teacher Assistant Training Program.
CCAP’s Free Teacher Assistant Certification Training Program to become a Full-Time or Part-Time Teacher Assistant. The program consists of two week classroom instruction, job shadowing and the ParaPro Assessment (State exam for teacher’s assistant certification).
• February 24th – March 5th – Class will run for 2 weeks.
• Monday – Friday 12pm – 3pm
Location: Institute for Labor Studies and Research
1540 Pontiac Ave. Cranston (transportation will be provided if needed)
For more information or to sign up call one of our L2E Youth Centers:
Cranston- 562-8325
Kent County- 732-5562
Providence- 437-8885
Pawtucket- 305-5919
CCAP’s Learn to Earn Employment, Training, and Education Programs assist the youth of Rhode Island ages 14 – 24 through free education, training programs, Work Readiness and Job Placement assistance. We provide a full range of services to youth enrolled in school and out of school. All enrollees are connected with a case manager to assist them in their education or employment goals throughout the program. Cash incentives and bus tickets are given to those who qualify.

CCAP’s 2019 Holiday Giving Campaigns raised over $100,000!
CCAP supported over 5,600 people in need in our community during the holidays!
The Holiday Giving Programs at CCAP helps to bring the joy of the Holiday Season to our neighbors in need. Community support through donations from individuals and organizations for our Adopt-a-Family, Giving Trees and Food Drives are critical in making these programs successful.
This year over 213 Families were Adopted and another 532 kids received a gift from a CCAP Giving Tree and addition we distributed over 1,055 Holiday Meal Baskets.
“We want to thank all of our generous donors for helping us create special holiday memories for the families we serve,” said Joanne McGunagle, CCAP President & CEO.
CCAP is one of Rhode Island’s largest organizations dedicated solely to fighting the war on poverty. Our professional staff provides a wide spectrum of services designed to help those in immediate need and empower anyone desiring to become more self-sufficient. The agency has a staff of over 350 and an annual operating budget of over $33 million dollars. Serving more than 40,000 clients, CCAP is one of the largest community action agency in Rhode Island.
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CCAP Announces its Learn to Earn Paid Career Exploration Program – CONSTRUCTION
CCAP’s Learn to Earn Employment, Training, and Education Programs assist the youth of Rhode Island ages 14 – 24 through free education, training programs, Work Readiness and Job Placement assistance. We provide a full range of services to youth enrolled in school and out of school. All enrollees are connected with a case manager to assist them in their education or employment goals throughout the program. Cash incentives and bus tickets are given to those who qualify.
CCAP’s Learn to Earn Paid Career Exploration Program – CONSTRUCTION
- 60-hour PAID Construction training ($10.50/hour)
- OSHA-10 Certification Included
- Transportation available from Cranston East
January 14 – April 9, 2020
Tuesdays & Thursdays 3-6pm
To Register Call:
CCAP Cranston Youth Center – 401-562-8325 -Space is limited, CALL NOW!
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Happy Holidays to all of our friends and neighbors. This Holiday Season our Health Centers and Offices will be closed: Tuesday, December 24th, Wednesday, December 25th and Wednesday, January 1st- Happy New Year!
All of us at CCAP want to thank you for your continued support and commitment to our mission of “Lending a Helping Hand to Those in Need.”
Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season!
The Board of Directors and Staff of CCAP
This Holiday Season our Health Centers and Offices will be closed: Tuesday, December 24th, Wednesday, December 25th and Wednesday, January 1st- Happy New Year!

CCAP 2019 Holiday Giving Campaign
The Holiday Giving Programs at CCAP help to bring the joy of the Holiday Season to our neighbors in need. Community support through donations from individuals and organizations for Adopt-a-Family, Giving Trees and Food Drives are critical to make these programs successful.
Thank you for helping us create special holiday memories for the families we serve!
If you have already signed up to donate this year, we thank you for your support. If you have not yet signed up, please consider helping families in need this holiday season.
A $300 donationto the “Adopt-a-FamilyProgram” adopts an entire family (and 100%of your donation goes to the family). Donations in other amounts are alsoappreciated. If you prefer to shop for the family you adopt, please contact us at401-467-7013 and we’ll provide you the children’s names and wishlists for the holidays (you don’t need to purchase every item). Just remember to label the new, unwrapped gifts with the family number.
Make your check payable to Comprehensive Community Action & send to: 311 Doric AvenueCranston, RI 02910 Attention Adopt-a-Family,before December 12th
For more information, please contact Joanne Gregory at 401-562-8333 or jgregory@comcap.org.
Thank you once again for joining us in lending a hand and making a difference in our community.