CCAP’s VIRTUAL WELLNESS MINDFUL MONDAYS….A relaxing way to start an active week
by CCAPSeptember 10, 2020 ADHD / ADD, Anxiety and Stress, Child Anxiety, Community, Cranston, Depression, Education, Teens0 comments
Mindful Monday is a weekly zoom drop-in meditation group open to all teens 13 to 18 years old. Brief meditations are facilitated by CCAP’s Community Response Program team members.Come learn the benefits of meditation in your life! CCAP’s VIRTUAL WELLNESS
MINDFUL MONDAYS….A relaxing way to start an active week
Where: Zoom
Who: Teens age 13-18
Day: MondaysTime: 4pm – 5pm
Start: October 5, 2020
For more information contact Jennifer Pelkey, jpelkey@comcap.org or 401-318-2555.
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