CCAP’s Youth Summer Jobs Program is now accepting applications.
We are now accepting on-line applications for our Youth Summer Jobs!
If you are 14-24 years old CCAP’s Lean to Earn Program can prepare you for a great summer paid internship! CCAP’s Real Skills For Youth – Summer Work Based Learning Program pays $11.50 an hour.
CCAP’s Youth Employment, Training, and Education Programs assist the youth of Rhode Island ages 14 – 24 through free education, training programs, Work Readiness and Job Placement assistance. We provide a full range of services to youth enrolled in school and out of school. All enrollees are connected with a case manager to assist them in their education or employment goals throughout the program.
Programs Offered:
• IT and Manufacturing Programs• Interactive Digital Media and Computer Science• Graphic Communications• Employer Partner Internships• Intro to Automotive• Welding• IT Networking and Marine Trades• LIFE skills
To apply: https://www.cognitoforms.com/…/summer2021realskillsfory… Make sure to enter a working email address in the application.
You’ll be contacted (in a few weeks) by the Youth Center via the email address that you have on your application. You will get invited to attend a Mandatory Program Orientation.
Once your application is complete and you have completed Orientation and Work Readiness, you can be considered for the program. We’ll try to match you with your top choice but no one is guaranteed a position!
For more information go to: https://www.comcap.org/services/education-job-training/summerjobs/

CCAP’s VIRTUAL WELLNESS MINDFUL MONDAYS….A relaxing way to start an active week
Mindful Monday is a weekly zoom drop-in meditation group open to all teens 13 to 18 years old. Brief meditations are facilitated by CCAP’s Community Response Program team members.Come learn the benefits of meditation in your life! CCAP’s VIRTUAL WELLNESS
MINDFUL MONDAYS….A relaxing way to start an active week
Where: Zoom
Who: Teens age 13-18
Day: MondaysTime: 4pm – 5pm
Start: October 5, 2020
For more information contact Jennifer Pelkey, jpelkey@comcap.org or 401-318-2555.
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CCAP’s Cranston Child Development Center’s Head Start Program is kicking off its annual recruitment drive for the 2020-2021 school year!
For over 50 years, Comprehensive Community Action Program has provided safe, nurturing and reliable early education services through the Head Start and Early Head Start programs.
Head Start / Early Head Start provides a FREE comprehensive developmentally appropriate early education experience for children ages birth to five, including services for pregnant women. Participants must meet program requirements.
Breakfast, lunch and snack is provided.
We offer extended day services for families who are working or in school. The hours available are 7:00am – 5:30pm. DHS funding accepted.
We actively recruit children with special needs and homeless families.
We also have State Funded Pre-K Classrooms. To be eligible children must turn 4 by Sept. 1st. The state funded Pre-K selection process is by Lottery. You may sign up for an email notification for the 2020-2021 school year at website: State Funded Pre-K Classrooms – Click Here.
We welcome all referrals. If you have any questions, or would like any additional information please feel free to contact Bernadette Groves at 427-4066 or bgroves@comcap.org. or our main number 943-5160.
CCAP does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap (disability), veteran status, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, medical condition, sexual orientation, limited English proficiency (LEP) or any other status protected by Federal and state law.
**All CCAP Child Development Centers are licensed by the Department of Children, Youth and Families and participate in the Rhode Island Quality Rating and Improvement System, Bright Stars.

CCAP Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Thursday, March 19, 2020
Because the safety of our community and staff are our priority, Comprehensive Community Action remains open to serve the needs of our community. We continue to follow the guidance of the CDC and the RI Department of Health. As information is updated, we will adjust our workflow and access as appropriate.
- Staff who are able will be working from home when feasible. Our goal is to have as little disruption to client services as possible while providing the utmost safety measures.
- We are conducting health screenings based on the most up-to-date public health recommendations at all our health centers and at our Administrative Offices, 311 Doric Avenue. No one may enter these buildings before screened.
- Our Health Centers remain open for the community. We are limiting some non-urgent visits due to concerns for employee and patient safety. If you’re sick, call us before coming in. Do not come to CCAP Health Center if you have any flu-like symptoms, such as cough, fever, sore throat, or shortness of breath – Call us.
- CCAP Family Dental Services has cancelled all nonemergency procedures and services until further notice. If you have a dental emergency call 401-942-4867. We are open for emergencies only.
- Behavioral Services are open. We are working toward providing services by remote telehealth if deemed appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
- Child Development Centers and Day Care are closed until Friday, April 3, 2020, per request of the Governor.
- Learn to Earn Youth Education and Job Training Youth Centers are closed, however, on Monday, March 23, 2020, we will be offering distance learning and distance programing. Please contact your local CCAP youth center for more information – freegedri.org
- Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Services are currently not conducting in person appointments. WIC nutritionists will be available via phone to answer your nutrition or infant and child feeding questions. CHECKS WILL BE MAILED- YOU MUST CALL US TO CONFIRM YOU ADDRESS to receive your check. Please call 401-946-4650 to update your telephone number and address. Please call if you do not receive checks within 5-7 days. Re-Certification appointments (appointments that require a height and weight by a WIC nutritionist) will be temporarily conducted over the phone. Testing for iron levels will be delayed and we will ask for payees (parents and guardians) to measure the child’s height and weight at home and give the nutritionist that information over the phone.
- Social Services is open, but has suspended walk-in services. Staff is available by phone to provide assistance to clients with: The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), emergency services and guidance on the VITA tax preparation service alternative filing methods. To contact Social Services, please call 401-467-7013 during regular working hours or email at info@comcap.org.
- Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and Appliance Management Program (AMP) home visits have been temporarily suspended.
- Food Bank has suspended walk-in service, clients can call and arrange to pick-up their regular monthly pre-made food bags. Please call the Food Bank at 401-467-7013 to make an appointment.
- The Rhode Island Donation Exchange has temporality closed its showroom, but is still accepting donations – please email them at: info@donationexchange.org to make arrangements.
In the event that we would have to modify or cancel our services, we will issue notifications on our website (comcap.org), and via email and our social media, including Facebook and on Twitter (@CCAPORG). If you have any questions about the Coronavirus, please visit the Center for Disease Control website: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus
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Dear CCAP Community,
Because the safety of our community and staff are our priority, Comprehensive Community Action remains open to serve the needs of our community. We continue to follow the guidance of the CDC and the RI Department of Health. As information is updated, we will adjust our workflow and access as appropriate.
We are assessing our operations to ensure the safety of our staff, patients, clients and volunteers. Out of an abundance of caution we are limiting access to all of our facilities. Visitors who are ill are asked to stay home and call our offices for information and service. If someone comes to our facilities with symptoms, they will be asked to leave and to call us.
We will no longer hold meetings with over 20 people in attendance. Preference will be to hold all meetings electronically. Staff will no longer participate in meetings with over 20 people expected to attend.
If you receive service from CCAP in our Home visitation programs, you will be contacted by your case worker to ensure you are healthy and asymptomatic.
Our Health Centers remain open to care for our patients. However, all symptomatic patients asked to call first and not to come in.
In the event that we would have to modify or cancel our services, we will issue notifications on our website (comcap.org), and via email and our social media, including Facebook and on Twitter (@CCAPORG)
We all need to work together to keep each other safe and healthy. If you have any questions about the Coronavirus, please visit the Center for Disease Control website: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus
Joanne McGunagle, President and CEO of CCAP
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CCAP Announces its Learn to Earn Paid Career Exploration Program – Teacher Assistant Certification Training Program
Are you 18 – 24 years old, have a clean BCI and a High School diploma or GED? Call today to sign up for our FREE Teacher Assistant Training Program.
CCAP’s Free Teacher Assistant Certification Training Program to become a Full-Time or Part-Time Teacher Assistant. The program consists of two week classroom instruction, job shadowing and the ParaPro Assessment (State exam for teacher’s assistant certification).
• February 24th – March 5th – Class will run for 2 weeks.
• Monday – Friday 12pm – 3pm
Location: Institute for Labor Studies and Research
1540 Pontiac Ave. Cranston (transportation will be provided if needed)
For more information or to sign up call one of our L2E Youth Centers:
Cranston- 562-8325
Kent County- 732-5562
Providence- 437-8885
Pawtucket- 305-5919
CCAP’s Learn to Earn Employment, Training, and Education Programs assist the youth of Rhode Island ages 14 – 24 through free education, training programs, Work Readiness and Job Placement assistance. We provide a full range of services to youth enrolled in school and out of school. All enrollees are connected with a case manager to assist them in their education or employment goals throughout the program. Cash incentives and bus tickets are given to those who qualify.