7th Annual Chip for Charity Golf Tournament
CCAP’s 7th Annual Chip for Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022, at Valley Country Club in Warwick, Rhode Island.
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CCAP Announces THE LEO A. BELIVEAU, JR. MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT & RECEPTION present by Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island
As a non-profit community action program we need to raise funds to assist families we serve. As you may know, a large number of families we serve have lost their jobs, suffered an illness, or a different type of crisis…usually through no fault of their own. I am proud to say, that during this past year of the pandemic all CCAP’s programs and services, such as the Food Bank, Family Health Services, our Educations programs, Family Services and Social Services continued to provide services to community. Last year we touched the lives of more than 40,000 people and provided over $1.2 million in uncompensated services.
To help assist those families in need, we will be hosting The CCAP Leo A. Beliveau, Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament and Reception, Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at Harbor Lights. We will kick-off the day with a morning round and an afternoon round of golf followed by a special evening reception on beautiful Greenwich Bay. This is the largest fundraiser we host during the year to benefit our programs and services and we hope that you will join us in supporting the event.
Sponsorship opportunities are available, for more information call 401-562-8353 or email: lbeliveau@comcap.org
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CCAP HOLIDAY GIVING CAMPAIGNS Please help us reach our goal to support 1500 Families this Holiday Season!
Due to the current pandemic, we are conducting our CCAP Holiday Giving Campaigns differently this year. We will be asking for donations to purchase gift cards for those we serve. CCAP’s Holiday Giving Campaign supports a special Thanksgiving Family Meal and our Adopt-A-Family Program. Our Goal is to support 1,500 families this Holiday Season!
We are a seeing an unprecedented number of our neighbors turning to CCAP during these challenging times. A large number of families we serve have lost their jobs, suffered an illness, or a different type of crisis…usually through no fault of their own. Last year we touched the lives of more than 35,000 people and provided $1.2 million in uncompensated services.
Thanksgiving Meal Drive
To ensure that struggling family have a Thanksgiving dinner this holiday season, please consider purchasing a grocery-store gift card the next time you are shopping.
You can also help us fill our shelves by donating non-perishable food, paper goods and cleaning products. All food and donations can be delivered during business hours: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 311 Doric Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920 (lower level) – Please make your check payable to Comprehensive Community Action/ Gift Cards and send to 311 Doric Avenue Cranston, RI 02910, Attention: Holiday Giving Campaign.
CCAP Adopt-a- Family Program
A $300 DONATION TO THE “CCAP’S ADOPT-A-FAMILY PROGRAM” ADOPTS AN ENTIRE FAMILY (and 100% of your donation goes to the family). Donations in other amounts are also appreciated. Please make your check payable to Comprehensive Community Action and send to 311 Doric Avenue Cranston, RI 02910, Attention Holiday Giving Campaign, before December 10th.
Donate Now Online Here!https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=LM5XCZEKLRQWE
For more information about CCAP’s Holiday Giving Campaign, contact Sherry Diaz, Vice President of Social Services, (401) 562-8336, sdiaz@comcap.org or Lee Beliveau, Vice President of Development at 401-562-8356, lbeliveau@comcap.org.
Special Thank You to our Sponsors:
Mutual of America
Picerne Family Charitable Foundation
Beacon Communications
Warwick Beacon & The Cranston Herald
Hilb Group/New England
Rose & Kiernan, Inc
Cranston Police
Rotary Club of Cranston
Starbucks – Chapel View
Sir Speedy Cranston

CCAP Announces the Launch of our NEW On-Line Benefits Application Platform
As part of our continuous effort to provide you with the best possible service, Comprehensive Community Action Program (CCAP) is pleased to announce the launch of our NEW CCAP On-Line Application Platform – apply.ComCap.org
With a goal of expanding access to CCAP Social Services Programs, CCAP apply.ComCap.org application portal will improve clients access to up to date housing and utility assistance program information, allow clients to upload documents and electronically sign applications and making it easy access to benefits.
CCAP is one of Rhode Island’s largest organizations dedicated solely to fighting the war on poverty. Our team of professional provides our clients with a wide spectrum of services and benefits that are designed to help those in immediate need and empower anyone desiring to become more self-sufficient– from health/dental/behavior services, education/job training, family development to housing/food and emergency services, CCAP is here to “Lend a Helping Hand.” For a full list of CCAP programs and services you can go to www.ComCap.org.
If you have any questions, about our new portal please drop us a line at info@ComCap.org or call 401-467-7013.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Robert Kraft, The Kraft Family Foundation, The New England Patriots and New England Revolutions!!
CCAP wishes to thank Robert Kraft, The Kraft Family Foundation, The New England Patriots and New England Revolutions for their generosity!! Today CCAP’s Food Bank received 7 pallets of much needed fruit, vegetables, and packaged goods from Gillette Stadium!
Thank you to everyone who has come out and supported CCAP COVID-19 Emergency Food Drive, we are a seeing an unprecedented number of our neighbors turning to CCAP’s Food Bank during this crisis and your generosity and kindness is helping so many in our community.

As need rises, CCAP seeks food donations to stock shelves
The Comprehensive Community Action Program, or CCAP, is asking the community to help stock its shelves with food and other goods as need rises due to the COVID-19 crisis.
“No one should go hungry during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Lee Beliveau, CCAP’s vice president of development and corporate affairs, wrote in a message to the community. “With school closures, job disruptions, and health risks, we are a seeing an unprecedented number of our neighbors turning to CCAP’s Food Bank for much-needed support.”
CCAP is seeking paper goods, cleaning products and a range of nonperishable food items.
Specifically sought are peanut butter, whole wheat pasta, tuna, brown rice, canned and dried beans, boxed macaroni and cheese, canned soups and stews, granola bars, canned fruits and vegetables, tomato sauce, breakfast cereals and extra virgin olive oil.
Donations may be made at CCAP’s location at 311 Doric Ave. in Cranston on any weekday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., excluding holidays.
For more information, call (401) 467-7013 or visit comcap.org.

Help Support CCAP’s COVID-19 Response Efforts.
- Support CCAP’s efforts to create CCAP Family Health Services as a coronavirus (COVID-19) testing site location.
- Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) and other equipment to meet the needs of our front-line medical professionals
- Assist us with in establishing remote telehealth. (equipment and licenses)
- Support patient and family care
- Provide social services
- Build resilience and alleviate stress on front-line health care providers through emergency assistance with meals, snacks, and well-being
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CCAP’s 2019 Holiday Giving Campaigns raised over $100,000!
CCAP supported over 5,600 people in need in our community during the holidays!
The Holiday Giving Programs at CCAP helps to bring the joy of the Holiday Season to our neighbors in need. Community support through donations from individuals and organizations for our Adopt-a-Family, Giving Trees and Food Drives are critical in making these programs successful.
This year over 213 Families were Adopted and another 532 kids received a gift from a CCAP Giving Tree and addition we distributed over 1,055 Holiday Meal Baskets.
“We want to thank all of our generous donors for helping us create special holiday memories for the families we serve,” said Joanne McGunagle, CCAP President & CEO.
CCAP is one of Rhode Island’s largest organizations dedicated solely to fighting the war on poverty. Our professional staff provides a wide spectrum of services designed to help those in immediate need and empower anyone desiring to become more self-sufficient. The agency has a staff of over 350 and an annual operating budget of over $33 million dollars. Serving more than 40,000 clients, CCAP is one of the largest community action agency in Rhode Island.
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CCAP 2019 Holiday Giving Campaign
The Holiday Giving Programs at CCAP help to bring the joy of the Holiday Season to our neighbors in need. Community support through donations from individuals and organizations for Adopt-a-Family, Giving Trees and Food Drives are critical to make these programs successful.
Thank you for helping us create special holiday memories for the families we serve!
If you have already signed up to donate this year, we thank you for your support. If you have not yet signed up, please consider helping families in need this holiday season.
A $300 donationto the “Adopt-a-FamilyProgram” adopts an entire family (and 100%of your donation goes to the family). Donations in other amounts are alsoappreciated. If you prefer to shop for the family you adopt, please contact us at401-467-7013 and we’ll provide you the children’s names and wishlists for the holidays (you don’t need to purchase every item). Just remember to label the new, unwrapped gifts with the family number.
Make your check payable to Comprehensive Community Action & send to: 311 Doric AvenueCranston, RI 02910 Attention Adopt-a-Family,before December 12th
For more information, please contact Joanne Gregory at 401-562-8333 or jgregory@comcap.org.
Thank you once again for joining us in lending a hand and making a difference in our community.