Cranston Health Equity Zone (HEZ) SPEAK OUT
The Cranston Health Equity Zone (HEZ) is a resident-driven initiative aimed at addressing the root causes of health disparities in Arlington, Stadium, and Laurel Hill neighborhoods.
This Speak Out is to find out what aspects of health and health indicators the community would like to improve. We’re making changes and we need to hear from YOU!
Topics include: Food, Housing, Transportation, Education, Affordability, Trauma, and more.
Saturday, November 23rd, 2019 – 11AM – 2PM
Arlington Elementary School
155 Princess Ave, Cranston RI
Food, Raffle Prizes, childcare/activities for children. Spanish and Khmer language interpreters will be available.
For more information please contact Kayland Arrington, MPH, Initiative Director 401-714-7004