The 2020 Census is coming. Will you be counted?
The U.S. Constitution requires that the Census Bureau count every person living in the United States once every 10 years. The information collected during the census provides vital data for community planning, ensuring fair political representation and enforcing civil rights, and assigning billions of dollars in federal funding for critical public services such as food stamps, public safety, housing support, and education programs.
We have one chance to make sure that everyone in Rhode Island is represented in Census 2020. Let’s make it count.
Each household will receive a notice by starting on March 12th. Filling out the census only takes a few minutes and can be completed for the first time online, as well as by phone and mail.
Federal law prohibits the Census Bureau for sharing your personal information with anyone, including other government agencies such as ICE, for any reason.
Rhode Island receives $3.8 billion in federal funding each year based on the results of the census. These funds support dozens of social services and programs in our communities such as:
- Medicaid
- Head Start
- Public transportation
- School lunch program
- Section 8 housing
- Medicare Part B
- Federal Direct student loans
For more information please visit
Give our community a voice. BE COUNTED.
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